Awards, Awards, and More Awards

Coming to you live from my bedroom, it’s the blog post about multiple awards!

Seriously though, through some wild turn of events I have been nominated for so many  blogger awards in the past few weeks. Normally, I would want to just tag them onto another post, because you guys probably didn’t follow me to just read awards posts, but I decided that there were enough of them to warrant their own post. Luckily though, all these awards require me to tell you a little something about myself, so I could knock them all out at once while consider this post to be a re-introduction to myself.

Without further ado, let’s get into the awards, shall we?

First of all, I’ve gotta give a big thanks to Jo for nominating me for all of these awards. She’s the real MVP so go check out her blog and give her a follow 😊👍


The Liebster Blog Award


  1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you.
  2. Answer eleven questions that the blogger gives you.
  3. Give eleven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate eleven other blogs (with less than 200 followers)
  5. Let them know you nominated them.
  6. Give them eleven questions to answer.

Jo’s Questions

  1. What colour do you wear the most? Black, about 2/3 of my closet is just black clothing and if I had a dollar for every time I said something like “I’d like this if they had it in black,” I’d be RICH.
  2. Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because it’s something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I’ve always really loved fashion, and while at college I and doing a lot of writing for other people (internships, organizations, etc.), I decided wanted to just write for myself again, so I started this lil blog that you’re on right now!
  3. Your most used app on your phone? Truthfully, it’s probably Twitter or Instagram but that’s really boring, so my other most used app is hands down the IMDb app. I use it at least five times a day and I can honestly say that it makes my life easier.
  4. If you could change your name to anything, what would you change it to? I don’t know, I like the name Christy. The only thing I don’t like is that there are so many spelling variations of my name, so if I were to change it I would probably pick something that has less than five common spellings.
  5. Cats or Dogs? Dogs 100% without question, they’re the purest thing that we have.
  6. Are you a cheese burger or a salad person? Salad person. All my friends know that I’m obsessed with salads and I have one almost every day. So I’m definitely a salad person but like. . .with a side of french fries 🙂
  7. Your number 1 used beauty product? Concealer or highlighter. My absolute-basic, bare minimum, “everyday” makeup routine is just concealer and highlighter, but there are some days that I go sans highlighter (😕), so I guess the real answer would be concealer.
  8. If you could shop at one place for the rest of your life, where would it be? I mean, if we’re speaking completely unrealistically, then it would be Alexander Wang or Saint Laurent, but if we’re like for real then probably Forever 21 or Topshop.
  9. How much would you have to be paid to wear pink everyday for a year? Honestly, not that much, but I’d definitely try and get as much as I possibly could. I’d start the bidding high, at 1 million dollars or something like that, and then see how much I can get from there.
  10. What is the number 1 quality you look for in a best friend? Someone who doesn’t take things too seriously/personally. I have a really sarcastic sense of humor and if I really feel comfortable with you I will read/make fun of you. . . but like it’s all in love.
  11. Your favourite day of the week? Friday, because you’ve still got the whole entire weekend ahead of you and everybody is just happy on Friday.

Eleven Facts About Me

You can already find some random facts about me here and here, but I’ll list some more incase you’re still a little curious about me.

  1. I love popcorn, a lot, and I like to eat it with jalapeños (seriously, try it it’s amazing).
  2. My favorite snapchat filters are the purple lips with the face stickers, the floppy-eared bunny, and the one that makes your mouth the same width of your face.
  3. My two new favorite TV shows are Riverdale on The CW and Imposters on Bravo, I highly recommend them both.
  4. My favorite fruit is watermelon and I prefer to eat it with salt and lemon juice.
  5. My very first fashion icon was Fran Fine from The Nanny
  6. I have had the hardest time coming up with these facts, but I’m pushing through because I’m not a quitter.
  7. I’m currently obsessed with making beans because it makes me feel like a Puerto Rican goddess, and they’re so delicious that I eat them at least three times a week.
  8. My favorite hobby is sleeping in.
  9. I’m graduating college next month and have no idea what I’m going to do with my life, fun! (Growing up is hard, 3/10 would not recommend)
  10. I should be on an episode of True Life called True Life: I’m Addicted to Chokers because I have more than I can count on two hands and I always continue to buy them.
  11. I still watch (and love) Degrassi and I’ll probably never stop.

My Questions

  1. Are you more of a TV or movie person, and what’s your favorite show/movie?
  2. What’s your favorite season?
  3. If you had to be a type of cheese, which type wold you be?
  4. What’s your favorite time of day?
  5. How long have you known your best friend and what’s your funniest memory with them?
  6. What’s your current favorite song?
  7. When you were younger, did you ever have an imaginary friend?
  8. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
  9. Have you ever been to any Disney theme park?
  10. What’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever been given?
  11. What’s your favorite musical? (If you don’t like musicals, feel free to make this answer up or pick the closest thing to a musical that you do like.)


The Versatile Blogger Award


  1. You have to thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog!
  2. Link the nominees and inform them about their nomination
  3. Nominate at least 15 bloggers of your choice
  4. Share 7 facts about yourself

Seven (More) Facts About Me

  1. I can sleep 12 hours a night with absolutely no problem (it’s either a talent or a disease, I’m not sure).
  2. I have three siblings, one younger sister and two older brothers
  3. My favorite number is three.
  4. I’m half Puerto Rican and half Italian.
  5. I really want to visit Greece and Bali.
  6. I only ever buy clear phone cases.
  7. Most of the time I wish my bedroom (read: life) looked like a Lisa Frank ad.


The Sunshine Blogger Award


  1. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator has given you.
  3. Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. List the rules and display the award.

Jo’s Questions

  1. If you could have one zoo animal as a pet – which would it be? An elephant, but maybe a miniature version because a full sized one would be a bit of a problem to house and take care of.
  2. If you could wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life – who would it be? Probably Alexander Wang.
  3. Where do you see yourself in ten years? Great question. Truthfully, I don’t know but I hope that I’m happy and doing something creative.
  4. If you could drop everything, like work or school or any life responsibilities, where would you fly to right now? Disney World, no question. I’m constantly thinking about how much I’d rather be at Disney World.
  5. What is your earliest childhood memory? Standing up in a booth in a Burger King as a little girl and singing along to My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
  6. What made you happy today? Accidentally turning off my alarm and oversleeping which meant I stayed home and watched Netflix instead of going to class 🙃 (note: the day I answered this question is different from the day I posted this)
  7. Your favourite film to watch over and over? I definitely can’t pick just one, but I never get sick of Clueless, The Wizard of Oz, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, or The Parent Trap (this was actually so hard because there are at least five other movies that I could list here)
  8. What did you have for breakfast today? I usually sleep through breakfast. . .
  9. What would be your perfect date? April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.
  10. If you could get paid for blogging but it meant that you would have to write about things you didn’t love – would you do it? I mean, as long as it wasn’t something that I HATED, I think I would. People get jobs doing things they don’t love all the time, right?
  11. What would you do if you could switch genders for a day? Get away with shit. Idk, probably just wish I was a girl again. Girls are better.

My Questions

  1. French fries or onion rings?
  2. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  3. Have you ever dyed your hair a color that people aren’t naturally born with?
  4. What’s something that you couldn’t be paid to do?
  5. M&Ms: original, peanut, or none at all?
  6. What is your go-to movie theater snack?
  7. Have you ever been out of the country?
  8. What was/is your least and most favorite part about being in school (high school or college)?
  9. When was the last time you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe?
  10. What is your favorite kind of blog post to write and to read?
  11. What’s one food that you can never pass up?

I Nominate (for all three awards)

The Mode Queen

The Rooftop View

Elizabeth Types a Thing

Just Like Heaven

Ciarra Lorren

Mack Marie

And anyone else who may be reading this and want to take part, consider this a formal nomination from me to you!

(not eleven, but I’m a rule breaker).

10 thoughts on “Awards, Awards, and More Awards

  1. valoonagram says:

    Aww thanks for the nominations! ❤ Also to all the sleeping in related facts – SAME. And I love that your IMDb app is your most used because I too am constantly looking things up on that site haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mackenzie says:

    Hi, lovey!!!! I am so sorry I have been SO MIA! Life has beeen crayyy to the Z. But thank you dearly for the nominations. I loved your responses! They made me laugh… especially your earliest memory. Bahhaha. Also- I am way jealous you can sleep like that. I am the exact opposite! Hope you are doing so well. I can’t wait to catch up more on your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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